Monday, August 13, 2012

7 Months


Whoa whoa whoa whoa can someone please pump the breaks just a little?!?!?  7 months came and went faster than I could blink my eyes, my little new born has changed into this beautifully magnificent little man.
This month has been all about change.  So many fun and exciting new things and milestones, which also means so many other things are stages never to be seen again.  Let's see, you are rolling over (day after you turned 6 months old) all the time- so much so I can't take my eyes off you for a second, you eat baby food - sweet potatoes are your favorite, you hold your sippy cup and you drink water from your sippy cup but not at the same time, you laugh out loud for extended periods of time especially when you see other babies/kids running around and squealing, you sit with someone holding your hands, you talk talk talk, you have one million expressions- all of which are adorable and hilarious, you can go from the happiest baby to that lip out in no time and right back to happy, perfected the laugh-cry, you still would much rather be standing that sitting and push up whenever we try sitting, you're back to sleeping through the night and dare I say on a schedule during the day, size 3 diapers, size 3 nipples on your bottles, see what I'm saying you change by the second :(  You are so alert and observant and never take your eyes off me when someone else is holding you, yup I love it!  You also require the person holding you to be standing and either swaying or walking around as well.  Oh and you have already learned how to get your way when you want a change of scenery.

At 7 months you weigh 19lbs and are 28inches  high (will measure this afternoon).  Sharky, Mooey, and Quacky are still the favorite toys.  You also love love love your exersaucer grandpa got for you!  You still kick kick kick- it's so cute.  You love when we toss you in the air and when we play airplane.  Dad continues to sing you his famous song..."is that my little guyyyyy...yeah...yeah."  Quite the catchy tune.  Your eyes are still the bluest baby blues, your hair is growing, your chunky little legs are to die for, and you are just so snugly I can't get enough. 
You and I were both baptized on July 29th, 2012, what an amazing day.  All of your family was here to celebrate the occasion along your new god parents...Chris, Mark, Julie, and Courtney- you are one lucky little dude to have those 4 watching out for you!!  You were great through the whole ceremony and reception.

You had your first overnight with Nona, away from both of your parents, while mommy and daddy went out to celebrate a daddy's bday with your aunts and uncles.  It was nice for a little bit but I missed you so much and didn't sleep hardly at all!
We had your first family beach trip to Sandbridge.  This was your first time touching the sand- totally indifferent and the water- first time screamed and cried, I think it was cold, but on my effort to raise a beach baby we tried again and you were indifferent and fine after we got used to it a bit, I'll take it!  You did great the whole week, even with everyone trying to hold you all the time and pass you around constantly, nap times were off but you still slept through the night and were mostly pleasant on the beach!  Mommy and Daddy loved all the help!  And lucky you got to bring a friend on your first trip, Ginny sported the cutest little bathing suits and headbands...we love her and you two are just adorable!!
I always tell myself it can't get any better than this and then the next day comes along.  Every day is my favorite age.  You are such a sweetheart and I love you more and more every single second, more than I ever imagined possible!!

Momma Momma Momma (that's what I say when you baby talk something similiar)

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