Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Happy 5 Months

My little Ryan,

At 5 months you weigh 16.5 pounds and are 26 inches long according to mommy measurements.  These aren't 100% accurate as everyone looked at me like I was crazy when I asked if I could bring you in every month to have you weighed and measured.  You are still in size two diapers but with 2 boxes of size 3's around you'll be moving to those once we finish yup your 2's.  You wear 6 months clothes and even some 9 and 12 months fit once they are washed and dried.  

We are still taking bath's together, I find this the easiest way as I love my bath's also and hey it's a fun activity to do together.  You are moving your hands to your bottle when eating but not holding it yet.  You started rice cereal which you are iffy about.  Sometimes you eat the entire bowl and sometimes you gag yourself with the spoon, I take that as not interested today!  Your sleeping was amazing but we had some regression this month.  For two weeks and then scattered nights here and there you are waking up in the middle of the night 1-2 times.  You are still so loud in your sleep sometimes so I spend a lot of time starring at your monitor until I just come in and have you sleep in my arms in the chair :)
You absolutely love your play mat, you could lay on their for hours listening to your music and kicking your feet.  Your favorite toy is still Mooey for the 3rd month running, except now you have started eating/chewing on Mooey.  You also started putting your hands, the whole hand, in your mouth which I try to replace with the pacifier but you want no part of that thing.  You grab onto everything and have quite a strong grip, I experienced it when you grabbed my hair ha.  You love riding in your stroller like a big boy, it allows you to kick the entire way!  You still hate tummy time although like it when I let you take a nap on your stomach and love when you are held standing up.  And twice this month you screamed when other people were trying to feed you your bottle and drank right up once I got you back.  Not that I don't want you going to other people but I kinda loved the fact you knew who your mommy was!! 

This month was amazing!  You laughed out loud for the first time, you rolled over only once last might, you cried tears for the first time- that plus your bottom lip stcking out completely broke my heart. You talk all the time, smile showing me you're happy, kick and yell, pull my hair, pull my necklace, give the best hugs, drool like crazy...I just can't get enough.   We took your first beach trip with the Well's, it was a fabulous time and you were a great little beach bum.  You spent some quality time with the shade shack and being passed around to everyone.  I totally forgot to put your feet in the water or the sand, we'll try that in August. You talk allllll the time, make the funniest/cutest sounds and just keep going.  I love your personality.  You are so chill, so funny, and just so snuggable (yes I made that word up) I just can't stand it.

Once again you guessed it, favorite month yet.  I can't believe you are already 5 months and it's been 21.5 weeks since you came into my life.  It has gone entirely too fast but it seems like you have been with me forever at the same time.  After adjusting to each other we have really settled in nicely and I can't even remember what my life was like before you, all I know is I really like you being here!  When they say babies change your life I had no idea what was coming.  I never knew it was possible to love someone this much and just when I think I have reached "it" I find my heart expanding and I love you even more and more.  These 5 months have been the best ever!!  You challenge me every day- what other job does that, you make me the happiest person in the world every time I see your smile, you make my heart melt with every sound you make, and when I heard you laugh this month I realized what life was all about!!

 Love you so so so much my little angel!! I still can't believe I'm your mom, I must have one a few things right to get so lucky!

love you,


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